March 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning Sale!

Why not join in the fun?! Several TpT teacher-authors are participating in the Spring Cleaning Sale. This is a great time to clean out your wish list items!! Today through Monday my store will be 20% off!!

 First, make sure you go back through your previous purchases and leave feedback so you can earn TpT credit to use toward your new purchase! For every dollar you spend, TPT gives you 1 credit. Earn 100 credits, your get $5! :)

Just click on the picture above to head on over to my TPT store! 

Please check out the KinderGals for all participating stores! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

March 14, 2014

March Currently

Well, I suppose I am a little late on this Currently, but it's my first one! I am so excited to link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade! I have seen these currently's all over the place and absolutely LOVE them!

So my currently pretty much speaks for itself. 
I am LISTENING to classical music simply because it keeps me calm and grounded while working.
I am LOVING the warmer weather we have had today. I am hoping it sticks around because I am ready to wear FLIP FLOPS again!!! 
I am THINKING about my to-do list. There is so much to do and not enough time in the day! 
I am WANTING a pair of Hunter Boots! I have seen these all over and one of my coworkers have them. I am hoping to save up enough money (maybe from my TPT sales!) to buy myself a pair!
I am NEEDING to do my homework for my Masters. I am really bad at procrastinating when it comes to something I am not too interested in. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my Masters Program, and even the class, I am just not a fan of doing the research based projects. :/
??????? Can you guess what the question is? Answer is Chai Tea...

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my first Currently! 

Thank you Oh' Boy 4th Grade! 

Have a good weekend!

March 3, 2014

MIA (I have a good reason, I promise!)

So this weekend, I have been MIA on my blog, on Facebook, on TPT, etc. I have a good reason, I promise! Remember the post about my Fur Babies? If not go check it out and them come back. I'll wait...

Did you read it?!

Well.. I mentioned that I wanted to get MochaJo another playmate. She plays with my cat, Gus, for about 30 seconds until he is done. Being around other pups, going on play dates and going to daycare, I knew that Mocha just HAD to have a baby brother.

Soooo.. I did some searching and I found the perfect pup!

Meet Baloo!

Baloo was named after the bear from The Jungle Book (shown below courtesy of Disney Wiki). 

He is 8 weeks old and he came from a rescue in Northern Ohio (Heaven 2 Earth). Baloo is an Australian Shepard/Border Collie mix and has the most gorgeous eyes! You can't tell, but the bottom half of his eyes are blue, and the top half are a darker grey.

So spending a few days with Baloo, I have learned a few things: 

#1 He is feisty! 
#2 He is persistent! 
(With that combination I am in for it already!!!!) 
#3 He likes to sleep under things (or people!). 
(As you can see below he is sleeping under a chair with a blanket draped over it)

#4 He LOVES food! I think he'd eat all day if I let him.
#5 He puts everything in his mouth. (Probably thinking its food) He thinks my phone is a chew toy. He will learn very quickly that its not!
#6 He is afraid of stairs (and the doorway).
#7 He has learned to go to the puppy pad, but doesn't always make his target (typical boy, right?!)
#8 He does ok in a crate (as long as you are near him)
#9 He has already learned how to use Mocha's busy ball to get the food she did not eat. (He's a smart one)
#10 He LOVES his big sister. They play all the time! And Mocha is so good with her baby brother. 

Below is a picture from one of their many play sessions. 

So there you have it! I added a 3rd Fur Baby this weekend to my pack! (NO more!! lol)

Wish me luck! I'll need it with this little man!